Matt B. (B for Batson)
One of my favorite aspects of your writing is the style you chose to write in. Each interview was a very personal story. Writing in first person was both creative and interesting. The first women finding that through all her struggles having the girl was more than worth it. Your second interview had me wondering how much power the women has in decision making during the birth? is she considered to be in a good enough state to make decisions for herself?
While you adding on you personal thoughts i really liked the line: "The first women I interviewed even went as far to say "with this birth she was given purpose". Birth allowed her to understand her own personnel deep down feelings ,feelings that seemed both mysterious and frightening." There are so many changes a women's body experiences through pregnancy. Experiences that are not as comfortable, and changes that potential last. Giving birth is a complete invasion of a women's privacy, i think the women you describes here have learnt about themselves and are more comfortable as a result of their painful process.
Nice job :)
From Matt…
While I don't have the pleasure of writing this from a beach I enjoyed your post very much.I liked how you made it personnel, I feel some of the deepest insights we can get is from are own life's sometimes.For me I loved when you said "My mother guessed that "he was trying to prepare himself, cope with the changes that were going to happen in his life." or maybe "he was just trying to comfort me in the changes I was dealing with" I think you were getting at something that in the mist of the birth topic is sometimes sorely missed. That not only is their a baby on the way, but a relationship that has created this life. It appears to me that the birth of a first child can either make or break a relationship. It's a testing time where both people like you pointed out our changing but also trying to be their for one another. It's weird how almost everybody goes into marriage knowing most likely they'll eventually be having a child but then when that day comes their all of a sudden like "ooo shit where having a baby". I thought you brought up a real interesting point at the end as well when you said " A plan was devised for M to before more parent equipped and then claim her baby." Ive been struggling with this idea is it right to bring a baby in this world if your not equipped, even if you accuse is it was a accident ? In my belief its not. I think in fact the problem is that where not problematizing the fact that more and more people are having children and not ready. More than 4 million babies are born in the United States each year, this number is both shocking and disturbing to me because out of that number almost 750,000 U.S. women age 15–19 become pregnant every year.And most teens I know are barely mature or cable a nove to handle themselves how could they handle a baby. This is not to highlight just teens , their are equal amounts of adults who shouldn't be having children. That's why I think your choice of wording "equipped" is right on the money. When and what makes someone equipped a nove to have a child ? . Giving life is a great power that no one has given or taken any responsibility for.Plato said "For neither birth, nor wealth, nor honors, can awaken in the minds of men the principles which should guide those who from their youth aspire to an honorable and excellent life, as Love awakens them." I enjoyed that your voice didnt really get lost in your writing .You had a real great post. I cant wait to read more :)
First off, well written piece. I really like the topic. You made some really good points. I like this piece was factual, but at the same time pretty personal. I also like how you added questions in it, it made me answer them in my head and think more throughly of what you were talking about. I have to say that it was a bit confusing at times, but i think that could be easily fixed if you were to proof read! Overall great piece once again. I am eager to see what you write next!
First off: THAK YOU for your post. second off: I think this was a very well written piece and i enjoyed reading it. I particular liked how compared both your mothers and fathers interpretations of your birth. Although i do not necessarily agree, i thought this line was an interesting idea, "I feel that birth is the closest thing that we experience to death in our lives. The barrier between the two is so thin that you could easily breakthrough to death while in birth." although birth and death seem to be total opposites i do they the two are related. Connected by ideas of religion in some cases, or better explain the dominate social practices in our culture. I agree with you that it would be an interesting idea to look into further. :)
The last interviews you conducted was very intense. I think There are alot of women who would have mutual feelings as your person. Id heard miscarriages described in the sense "it [the baby] was a dead part of me" It seems as though it is something that really takes a toll no people psychologically. but how does one become so attached with something they have never seen, held, talked to? A something that may or may not be even alive? this follows your thinking of the relationship between birth and death.
well done
From Sharif…
Arden i felt that this post was the best one yet. i could tell you put a lot of thought into it (and not just because it is so long). i felt your ideas were very developed and showed a deeper thought process that not a lot of people are capable of doing. My favorite line was "Turns out that those women who didn't know they were pregnant until labor described her perfectly. The signs were mostly all the same as she described to me, My periods were already irregular, I just didn't think about it much.There were not any out of the ordinary food cravings seen in other pregnancies. Then of course there is the baby's growth, normally noticeable. With no drastic changes M justified her weight gain to stress, lack of sleep." I felt like this line was particularly interesting because of the fact that it involves the both physical and mental change of women during pregnancy, but not only that you also explore women who are unaware they are pregnant and what the physical and mental change is like for them.