Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Growing food.

Unfortunately I fell behind and did not get to grow food in class. However I do know what it is like to grow your own food. So I figured I would write about that experience.

My grandparents live in a very remote place of France. They live on a dirt road with about 10 other houses. There, it is not out of the ordinary to see cows roaming around. due to the fact it takes 45 minutes to get to the closest supermarket people usually only go one a week or so. Therefore people just grow their own food. Which is a big change for my family coming from New York City. There is no easy way to find a deli, and no one will delivery right to your doorstep. The way of life there is different. When we went to visit, we would be included in the routine. Sometimes going next store to the farm to get groceries. Other times to water the vegetables make sure there were no weeds or bugs. It was tricky business. You could not water to little or too much, and on top of that you had to be aware and work with the weather.

In this house we always eat meals together. Breakfast was always simple (they are French that’s how it is.) But if anything included milk or eggs well those supplies came from the cows or the goats or the chickens. Lunch and dinner always included some vegetables, which came from the garden. Someone would go outside to the dedicated farming area and pick out tomatoes, strawberries, Cucumbers and sometimes apples. I remember my sister and I being a little afraid to eat it. even though we did just see this food being pulled right from the food. Which should mean it was natural, fresh and clean. But For some strange reason we always hesitated when eating that food. It doesn’t make sense but having the food come from a supermarket just made it seem more legitimate. The fact of the matter was that the food we had been growing was all-natural; there was nothing sprayed on it, it was being taken care of, it was not being transported from anywhere else. This was the real stuff.

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