I. Are you kidding me I already know what I’m probably going to wear” is what my sister said to me about my incomplete outfit to the up coming prom. And so the interview began. Why is it such a big deal? My sister has described the event as special a million times in our interview. Why is it so special? And to that she quickly responded by saying it was a “one time thing.” A child’s first haircut, turning double digits only happens once all only happen once but don’t seem to compare to the hype that’s made about prom. Hadley explained passionately to me that prom was an event that celebrated accomplishment with the people you have spent the last four years with. So why do we except so much? Hadley could only agree to the question. Then the interview went into a ramble that went something like this: 1. Have a dress that I love and that I feel beautiful in. Because I like dressing up and I think that the stereotype of prom makes you want to feel perfect. Feeling special is what makes prom so special 2. Go with a cute guy. I just want to go with someone I can have fun with.” I stopped her to ask what she thought the most important thing about prom was. Hadley responded it was “to have fun.” I didn’t really want to accept that cliché answer so I changed the question to what is the most important preparation to make regarding prom? That’s when the focus of the conversation changed to hair. To Hadley the most important preparation is your hair “because the hair style makes all the difference in the way you look.” In short: she is pretty damn excited about Prom.
II. “Prom was awesome,” she said with much enthusiasm. Awesome is a word that describes a noun as being impressive, formidable, amazing, cool or exciting. So what about her prom experience was so awesome? After a pause she described prom going through all her five senses. Creating an image for me as to what it was like. The atmosphere of her experience was seen extravagant. “[The guests] were changed out of every day clothes and into dress up in elegant outfits. It seemed as though everyone stood by a date that they came with. Sometimes girl friends went with their girlfriends, but it was mostly girls went with a guy. Flowers lined the border of the room and were scattered on tables. There was constant loud music playing. The food smelled so good and was seen with dressed up servers.” Hearing this description I could easy picture a prom. I could not necessarily picture the prom she experienced, because the description fit most proms.
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