Monday, February 14, 2011


My initial thought process was sparked by memories. I began to recall the times I have experienced events related to birth. I remember a family member getting pregnant with her boyfriend. That hadn't been together for that long, which was why it came as a shock when they announced their engagement. They said they were getting married because they loved each other. Sure they, no one doubted that. But everyone seemed to question other factors that might have pushed them to the decision. The pregnancy was kept a secret. Only till after the wedding was it made more public for celebration. Why is it frowned upon to have a baby with someone and not be married? Its a situation more common than just within my family. It seems as though magazines and support groups are focused on the couple. There is an entirely new magazine or group for women without a partner. So Maybe for some it has to do with religion, or family tradition.

In the right circumstances the process of pregnancy is celebrated. However I disagree with everyone who thinks that Birth is a beautiful thing. Its not. Its only the idea of birth that flatters people. Its only the whole idea of one human bringing another one into the world that is beautiful. Is that why we congrat people on being pregnant? What exactly are are we congratulating them on? Taking on the long process and painful finish of birth?

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